This summer has been very different from last summer. Last summer Clint and I were livin' the dream. Living part time at my parents house and playing with them all summer long, family reunions, traveling to California and Chicago and the best part was we were not working or in school. It was pretty incredible. This summer has been just as incredible but very different. Clint has a full time internship up in North Salt Lake (the commute alone takes over two hours all together) and I have been teaching at a summer school (part of my schooling) and taking a class (both of which take all day of my life). Even though our days have been busier we still make time for each other and find time to have fun with family and friends. We have just had a really strong and good taste of what it is like to become an adult. Lucky for me yesterday was the last day of summer school! As fun as it was I am so excited to have more time to get my classroom ready starting in August and more time to make dinner and just have more fun:) Either way on the busy days when we are both exhausted beyond reason we will always have last summer!
Batting Cages with our Neighbors, I forgot how fun batting cages are! Awesome date night!

Dinner at Spaghetti Factory all thanks to David and Uncle Van! It was so much fun!

David and his friends!

Mom with the Dunce (we love you parker)

The wonderful Haynie family! Creedo is so cute and growing up so fast.

Will, Matt, Annie and Chelsey

Celebrating 1 1/2 year anniversary watching the sunset from the mountains!

The celebration all started at Tucanos with one of those awesome birthday coupons, the only way to eat at Tucanos!

Missionary Reunion where we got to see the Brysons again, They were a senior couple in Romania that Clint and I both knew and they are so much fun!

We still know how to have fun even if we are growing up!