Thursday, August 21, 2008

I finally joined the club...

I never thought I would ever really be a part of the "blogging club" but alas here I am. I have been asking myself what finally made me give in and it is those two words...peer pressure! It is funny that no matter how old you get that the phrase "everyone is doing it" can still pop into your head and push you into something you normally wouldn't do. I am just glad that this "peer pressure" led me into something that is not necessarily bad or harmful in anyway, that is unless you get addicted, but I am going to hope for the best on this one.

Peer pressure is not the only reason behind my change of lifestyle; as some of you may know I will be living for almost 4 months in the beautiful city of Iasi, which is located in Romania, which is located in Eastern Europe, look it up! While I am there I will have very little time and access to the internet so as to make my life easier I decided a blog is the best way for anyone who cares to check up on me and be able to read what I have been up to and be able to look at pictures. I just have too many people that I love and adore and would be tempted to write everyone their own personal e-mail that this is an easier way for me to let everyone know that I love them and want them to still be involved in my life. So, here it is the start of Kinsey's Blog and the start of a new adventure!


emmalily said...

woohoo! Kinsey is blogging! Can't wait to see you girlfriend!

Rachey said...

Can we do a web conferece with the whole family before you leave? Maybe while you are in LaLa land? Ryan and I will be joining the exclusive Mac club later this week so that will make it easier. After one computer dying and the other one getting a scary virus we decided it was time.

Rach said...

yay! you have a blog! see you in Romania!!!!!!!!