Yes, we are still alive and kickin! No, we do not have as much free time as we once did for important things like blogging, exercising (that is always the first thing to go), twitter (gotta keep our peeps informed), facebook, cooking or more important things like showering and shaving (nobody is perfect). It has been a very hectic and crazy past three weeks. Between moving, me starting my first year as a teacher, Clint starting school again, plumbing issues at our new place we have been just loving each other and looking forward to having some time together (which is mostly on the weekends). It has been an adventure though, a new step in our life.
I love, love, love teaching! I have the best class ever, and my students are just all so fun and adorable. It has been an adventure teaching but I feel so comfortable with it, it just comes so naturally and part of that is because I have very reliable paraprofessionals! I swear they can read my mind because every time I ask for something its already been done. They are great. I am lucky to have them!
Clint's first week has gone well, and lets hope it stays that way. He is taking 18 credits this semester because with his sugar mama he doesn't have to work. He has been great at moving us out and in and cleaning our old place, they land lady told me he did a "fabulous job" and that I "am a lucky girl to have him." We had a great labor day weekend together, boating, being with family and just getting away from our still not unpacked house. Unpacking has always been my weakness. Anyway, just wanted to let you know things are still going on and I haven't forgotten about our adorable blog just put it on the back burner with everything else I have going on. Thanks for all the support we have received from family in painting, moving, cleaning and putting my classroom together, you are amazing! We love you!