Monday, May 23, 2011

Hanes Commercial

So lately there have been these new Hanes Commercials with Michael Jordan on a plane and I gotta say the look he is making with his face in this picture is the same look I had when I saw his hitler he trying to make a statement? Or is he trying to start a new trend? Either way, it ain't workin' for him and its gotta change.

Caribbean Cruise

Don't get too jealous now but Clint and I enjoyed an amazing cruise with his family and it was a great break that we desperately needed from school. Some of these pictures may need explaining but sadly I don't have time for that because school is my life at the moment. But I wanted to blog to brag about my trip (sorry I need to just a lil) and to let everyone know I am still alive. Peace!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lil' Liam

Today while I was sitting in the airport waiting to get onto our plane this cute lil' guy (My nephew Liam) called me twice to chat me up. While I could not understand much of what he said (with all the noise around me) my heart still melted. Two things I could understand were "bye bye" and "i love you" he made me feel so special, man, I love that kid.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Britt's Wedding

Clint and I just took the quickest trip ever to California. It started with us Driving through the night on Thursday to arrive in California in time for breakfast with Grandma Sarah and to get freshened up for the wedding. It was a fun, long and a beautiful day! It was like a high school reunion for me. I got to see so many of my old friends and catch up, it was so much fun. It made me realize how many great friends I had in high school and no matter how many years we don't see each other when we do its like no time passed. We got to spend time helping our niece Sammie with her birthday party and it was awesome. We had a lot of fun hanging out with Spencer and Amy and our sweet nieces. We got to see grandparents and get spoiled by them. Lets not forget the great dinners we had with Grandma Sarah at two of my favorite places, In-N-Out and Rock-N-Jennys (best sandwiches ever!!!!) We got to see our siblings in Santa Monica and adorable Ella and Ethan. Sadly, I did not get any pictures with our family, we were having too much fun and I forgot. But here are some from the wedding. The whole trip ended with us driving back through the night on Sunday and starting a whole new week of work and school, just gotta plow through it all and hope to recoup over the weekend!