To warm our lil bodies up we went to Olive Garden and got the all you can eat soup and sald and filled our tummies over the top. SO delish! Then we went and speant the evening with Nat and Olivia:) Love them!
Clint trying to catch a glimpse of the Texas game any chance he had, which means everytime we skated by the t.v. he would slow down to turtle speed.
Pretty much on our way to the next Winter Olympics!
Trying to be cool...Failed
Temple Square after devotional. So beautiful!

Snowball fight in the first "real snow" of the season. So exciting and fun! I love playing in the snow and having an excuse to throw things at Clint. Now, that's love!
I read the title and threw up a little bit in my mouth. P.S. Clint's present components came in the mail today, better prepare yourself mentally bud...
Ryan...its a song title smarty pants.
I so love you Kinsey and I am sure I will love Clint when I get a chance to know him. You are just so fun and I love that you are hanging out with Nat and Olivia. I love reading your blog and love the pictures and just love you. GS
awww. I like you two together!
Nice action shot at the rink!
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