My life has been so crazy lately...between Clint being sick and me being sick very little housework has gotten done. But the most important thing for me right now is my special education application which I have finally completed and will be turning in in one hour and I cannot wait for it to be out of my hands. I am already anticipating the answer. I wish I had more to post about but my life has been filled with school and work lately. But for your entertainment another story from Clint.
Clint: Have you ever been in jail?
Me: (mind you this was at like 4 in the morning) No, have you?
Clint: No, I had a dream you were in jail for 23 months.
Me: *gasp* 23 months, that is a long time (kinda messing with him cuz he was so out of it)
Clint: I know! (the sound of sweet snoring he had fallen back to sleep)
You think he would have asked me the jail question before we got married, what if I had said breaker???