Monday, March 8, 2010

Kinsey's turn for embarrassment

So... this definitely wont be a regular thing for me but I figure from time to time I can get back at kinsey and let the world hear about the embarrassing things she does..

Well this experience happened last thursday in our sociology class where kinsey came in the room and sat down next to me in the back row where I was saving her a seat. Then she proceeded to smooch me as if we were alone in the movie theater. To her dismay, she got caught by the teacher in the front of the class and called out for it. The teacher said "eh! you two in the back stop kissing. I know you two do it all the time but this time i'm gonna say something. I laughed and I was already slouched so hardly anyone could see me but the whole class of about 70-80 students were looking at kinsey's blushing face. I haven't seen kinsey so speechless. Of course she blamed me for the incident, which was expected. Lesson: I think she'll think twice before she jumps on me in class.


Rachey said...

That is hilarious! You should really write on here more often.

KinseyBug said...

For the record I was not smooching him like we were in a movie theater....we have never even smooched in a movie theater.

RyGuy said...

This brightened my day. Kinsey, you're married now, its time to put "floozy kinsey" away...have some respect.

p.s. the word verification as I enter this comment is "kiessn"...coincidence?

Sarah Haynie said...

Hey Kinsey! I wish I could have seen your face. Very funny and your professor forgot how it felt to be a young impulsive couple in love. I use "couple" on purpose because it takes two to complete a kiss, right. Clint could have said, "No Kinsey, not here." Very funny! LOL