Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Long Day

Tuesday was a very long day for me. I was walking on campus to class after working forever (it seemed like) and then I saw a student riding this on campus. It totally made my day! The revolution of Segway's has officially started:)


Vern said...

The best part about Segways is it takes laziness to a whole new level. I think it's a level I'm willing to support.

RyGuy said...

I'm trying to picture this student, and I figure it could go one of two ways... 1) faded jeans that aren't quite long enough to touch his shoes, with a tucked-in t-shirt, wearing a helmet, or 2) Shorts and sandals, sunglasses, a hat with the bill turned to a 30 degree angle from the center of his face, and a killer tan. I'm thinking when I'm finally a doctor, I'll ride from patient room to patient room in the hospital on a segway. Mine will have a bell, with "Dr. McBeth" bedazzled on a sign hanging on the front of the handle bars.

Sarah Haynie said...

I guess it is not for seniors! No seat! :) Hope you get a break soon so you can just be lazy and not be so tired. LOL