Time really does fly by so fast! I only have a month left in Romania to do as much good as I can. I am not even sure what to write about right now. All I can think about is how bittersweet leaving this wonderful place will be. I am so excited to see my family and spend the Holiday's in the states but at the same time I wish I could be with the kids for the holidays too....why can't I just have the best of both worlds? The only thing that I can really find hope in is that BYU has this program every semester so as soon as I leave in two weeks there will be someone else here to take my place and to love these kids just as much as I do....and that will hopefully continue for a long time.
There is something that I feel the need to confess, I am reading the Twilight series. I know, I always made fun of these books, I made fun of my roommates who love these books and here I am reading them. Now, I am not sure if it is because I am in the land of vampires that this book is more appealing to me now or just the fact that I have a lot of extra time on my hands lately so I need something to fill them with and there is always the last option that I still have schoolwork to do before I get home and I was born with the procrastination gene and if I had to I would read this series twice in order to postpone actually having to do schoolwork.
Since this is my blog I am going to give you my opinion of these books and at anytime if I offend you with my opinion that is just too bad but you can always choose to leave my blog page and go find comfort in facebook. Twilight is an entertaining book, the story is fun and I love going back to the days of my childhood of imagining vampires and werewolves but the writing is so amateur. I feel like I am reading a book that someone from high school wrote. Then there are the characters. Bella, oh where do I start? Could you have a worse role model for teenage girls. She is desperate, needy, insecure, and obsessive and has no sense of her own independence or personality. Some heroine. Then there is the suave Edward, the "good" vampire. Can you say controlling?? My word, he has all the power in the relationship and knows it. I mean, there whole relationship is so unhealthy, coming from the hopefully soon to be marriage therapist. But Jacob, now there is a character I love! He may be a werewolf but he knows how to have a healthy relationship and his personality is so fun loving. His character keeps me sane throughout the book. Now, after reading all this criticism you may wonder why I keep reading the series if it drives me so nuts, well I am still wondering myself, but entertainment is entertainment.
To end on a good note with the twilight fans who may be reading this post Edward really is dreamy....I mean I have always wanted a vampire as a boyfriend:)
I love confessions. I have read the first two volumes and I got a kick out of how she (agree it is high school level reading, but most of our youth read at that level, soooo maybe she did that on purpose)came up with this tale. I am going to borrow the next volume from Aunt Deborah and see what happens. I grew up with Dracula, Frankenstein, etc. and believe me the full moon used to really bother me. I love you and will be very happy to hear your voice when you get home. Hope you can give me a call and let me know you are home safe. Love, GS
You already know I agree with all of this. Although we never talked about Jacob, I may be one of the few readers out there who actually would have preferred for her to end up with him. I couldn't stand how controlling Edward was and how pathetic she was with him. I'm just like you though, I read all of them anyway, despite how crazy the writing and unhealthy relationship made me.
Rachey, I so wanted her to end up with Jacob!!! Everyone thinks I am crazy for that but why would that make me crazy??
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