This holiday that brings us all together to remember why we are thankful and to remember the Creator that gave us life and everything around us. What a good looking group (or part of the group).

Old school gas oven to cook delicious Turkey's in for my very first time. And for Mothers who make you take the gizzards out in the years before so when the time came for you to do it on your own it wouldn't gross you out anymore...not true, still gross.
I have a quote that I shared at thanksgiving Dinner and I would like to share it with everyone:
Elder Richard L. Evans once said, “Gratefully we acknowledge the infinite mind of our Maker, and gratefully ought to offer our tithes and offerings, and earnestly consistent service, in thanks for all that God has given, and keep his commandments in remembrance of the love and providence and purpose of the Creator, the God and Father of us all, the organizer and operator of heaven and earth, without whom all these things would not be so. Thank God for all this: for life and what sustains it, for loved ones that make it meaningful, for faith and purpose and continuance, always and forever. Thank God for all of this—and much, much more.”
I am not just grateful for this holiday to remind us of our God and to give thanks to him for our lives and everything that makes it but to remember him daily and in our prayers give gratitude for all the blessings and tender mercies we experience. I am grateful for my faith, my family, my friends, my health, my adventures and learning experiences in traveling (past and present), for my education and for the love that I feel from the kids that I work with everyday here, and right now especially I am grateful to all my family members and friends who donated money to help bring Christmas to the Kids here in Romania. Thank you!
Sounds like you really did have a great Thanksgiving. I like how you connected what you were thankful for this year with the pictures you took of your experience. Oh ya, and the extra attention you got from carrying a "dead bird" around Romania, my brother got the same attention when he and his companion were trying to provide Thanksgiving dinner to the other elders in their area when he served in Portugal. From what I can tell, Thanksgiving seems to be such a foreign holiday to other countries, but I sure am thankful that we celebrate it. Happy Thanksgiving!!!
I am thankful for a daughter that can pull the gross stuff out of the turkey, and cook it in a old gas oven to perfection! But most of all I am thankful for a daughter who serves God's children with such joy and love that I can see it in your eyes and hear it in your voice. Thank you for filling my heart with gratitude this Thanksgiving. Mom
It sounds like you had an awesome Thanksgiving! I have yet to cook a turkey, so I'm quite impressed with you. And I have no memories of pulling the innards out of the turkey with mom, I plan on having Ryan do that always. I figure its probably less disgusting than pulling innards out of cadavers right?
Miss you, can't wait for you to come home.
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