Saturday, October 3, 2009

Marathon Con't

I FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Mom racing after me trying to get a picture "Mom, I can't stop if I do I wont make it" I did slow down though so should could get a picture.

After I crossed this glorious finish line I just started to cry....I could not believe that I made it!! THey gave us ice cream after, pretty stoked about that!

The drive home. The moon looked so majestic and I could not resist trying to capture the magic.

My Mom and I! She was my cheerleader the whole way and kept me going! Thanks Mom and Dad and everyone else who cheered me on and had faith in me! I love you!

Favorite Moments From Marathon:

-Met A man who has run 247 marathons...why? I do not know.

-Saw a man pushing his friend in a wheelchair the whole way!

-Another guy I talked to has lost over 200 lbs. in order to make it to this Marathon (inspiring)

-Seeing my Mom at the end and that feeling of accomplishment.

-A 3 yr old trying to get in the hot tub, lifeguard comes up "Sorry, you are not old enough to be in the hot tub, you have to get out." Lil Kid (in that adorable lil kid voice and so serious) "My Mom won the Marathon, I am going to sit in here!!" Lifeguard (laughing) "Well, fair enough."

-Everyone who encourages you along the way.


-That is not Sweat, it's your Fat cells Crying!

-If it was easy I would do it!

-Every wall has a Door!

At all the water stations they had conference playing on loud speakers as we ran through...only in Utah:) But it was actually cool to have that. There is a special unity and bond between the runners and the volunteers. I cannot really explain it but this was a great experience for me to have....and I will never do it again haha! I know really inspiring.


Natalie said...

YOU ARE INCREDIBLE. And you're probably sick of me telling you how amazing you are, but I'm not gonna stop. :)


Jenny Dunn said...

I'm so proud of you! You are so amazing. I'm sad I wasn't able to come cheer you on.

Rachey said...

You are so awesome! I've been bragging about you ever since.

KinseyBug said...

You guys are so awesome! Thanks for your support and love!!!!


Sarah Haynie said...

I am very proud of you. I was very worried about your knee. Well, you have been there done that. I do not understand the guy with the record 247. When I see people running I feel sad because they look so miserable. You are a winner and one incredible young lady. Lucky to have such an awesome Mom. Be sure and watch conference when you have time. It was just so great! LOL

Vanessa said...

Whoo hooo Kinsey....mega congrats favorite niece!

Rachey said...

You know Vanessa I CAN see this.

KinseyBug said...

Haha...thanks Vanessa You are my favorite too:)
