Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Young and the Restless

Don't let the title fool you this is not about the sitcom (thank heavens) its about a movie I watched recently in class. It was about young adults in China and what it is they want from life and the goals they have. Then I had to interview 6 people (3 guys and 3 gals) and ask them what it is they want from life....I found it interesting that all six of them discussed how they want a family someday and how important it is to them.

Talking to them during these interviews it just made me so happy and grateful for the culture, and Religion, that I have been raised in. I love the importance expressed about families and the eternal perspective with it all. I love my family and I cannot imagine my life without them. It will be incredible when someday (not any day soon) I will be able to start my own family as well.

Taryn was one of the six and she said something that I took to heart "You see so many problems in this world and most of them start in the home." I could not have said it better myself.

"To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right."

I just love good quotes!


Vern said...


Rachey said...


Sarah Haynie said...

I love good quotes too but I love you more. I have been checking your blog daily waiting for the next activity posting but this was a "wow." Thanks for sharing your experience. LOL

Taryn Davis said...

You quoted me! I feel like a true intellect now.

KinseyBug said...

You read my blog....I feel so honored!!!!

Rachey said...

Taryn really did sound very smart.