April showers has a different meaning in Utah than other places (CALI) it is not a light rain with rainbows and that refreshing smell after....rather it is waking up in the morning to a fresh layer of snow on the ground and freezing wind as you walk to class. It is so cold (mind you we are in APRIL now) that I could see my breath as I walked to campus this morning. April showers I think not!
When I was growing up in Utah, I often wondered what everyone meant by "April showers bring May flowers." I remember rolling Easter eggs (we used to do that you know) down a snow covered hill. A bit different here in California. Have to admit, it looks beautiful (when you are inside looking out the window.) LOL
In Rockford when it rains it doesn't smell fresh...it smells like dead worms.
LOL @ Stefani! I so hear you! California rain smells fresh and clean. Illinois rain made me think of mud, fertilizer, gardens -- and worms! Then we get to the Utah projectiles they call spring showers. Showers are not supposed to be composed of solids.
Bad attitude...I'm disappointed...It was 80 degrees here today.
the sun is back!!! yay!
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