After looking long and hard in our car under every seat, under all the blankets and things we still have in their from camping and in every pocket I go into the house to declare "Clint, our camera is officially LOST!" He replies all smug "Did you look under the passenger seat?" Psha I cannot believe after all the searching I did he would believe that I missed a spot....Come on, who does he think he is telling me where to look as he sat in the house and didnt worry about the camera at all (this is what I am thinking as I am walking back to the car and he sits in the kitchen) well, he was right and our Camera is officially back in good hands, my hands:) As I looked at the fifty or so pictures that I wanted to post I decided to put it up on my blog in different parts in order to hold everyone's attention instead of overload. So, this is PART 1 of our summer activities!
Waiting in line for over an hour that Olivia and I didn't even go on....

Clint and Nate getting ready for the ride of their lives

Lunch with familia, Welcome home Kyle!

Party at Nickle City with Clint and Parkman

Bryce's wedding (a friend from freshman year who celebrated Beatle's Friday with Beatle's music blaring out of his aparment)

Enjoying a beautiful Sunday at the park by my parents house

Bocce Ball game going down

Olivia the very talented photographer

Cousin TIME!

After long hours of slaving hard for the parents Clint, Parker and I took a dip in the pond nearby to cool off.

I tried to think of something witty to say here but looking at this picture I am just speechless.

1 comment:
Ok Why are they holding hands? That is hilarious and you are so darling. We miss you. Can't wait to see you in August! Oh and glad you found the camera!
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