This is Ethan and Me. I just wanted to see him in that cute snow suit:)
This is our niece Emily! Julianna and Karl came down to go sledding with us and it was awesome!
This is Clint entertaining Liam while Rachel and Ryan were gone somewhere. We had so much fun babysitting and I have videos below to prove it!
We took a train ride to the North Pole to pick up Santa with the kiddos....Liam is still scared of Santa. He was probably wondering why woud we waste this awesome train ride to pick up him.
Clint and I spent an evening at the Riverwoods Mall looking at their awesome Christmas Lights. It was magical and beautiful!
Family bowling
Traditional Christmas Eve Chinese Food
The romantic bridge that my parents and their neighborhood decorated together, I am so grateful to them because it was magical when you went down there when it was all lit up!
Here we are, after an eventful week, at Christmas Morning! We all look so lovely:)
During the sledding extravaganza people stared in amazement that Parker and Ryan were wearing so little in cold weather. Christian was claiming to be a Christmas Banana and receiving cheers from strangers as he zoomed down the hill. And the rest of us are boring as we wore normal sledding clothes:) I love my family
At Hilton Head we spent some time at the light house and admired the was beautiful! And we got to chill in awesome rocking chairs while others shopped and played at the playground.
One of the many highlights was family football on the beach! It was so much fun except for an incident here and football is something that Clint's family loves to do and I love doing it with them.
This is my niece Ella...she is a curious and independent lil girl!
Here is Sammy claiming her spot! I swear every time I see this cute little girl she pats my belly and says when is the baby coming...and when I tell her there is no baby she goes on to lecture me that I need to have one because I am the only one without a baby....she even offered up herself to be my baby for the week so I could fit in. I took her up on the offer.
This is Ella trying to show Bailey some love. Key word trying...
Here we are on our rad bike ride on the beach. It reminded me of the time my family and some of the Haynies came to South Carolina on a trip. I recall Liz and I saving the starfish that got left on shore when the tide would go down.
This is when we were babysitting Liam...Clint thought of this game and it kept both of them entertained for hours....
Cutest laugh!
This is Liam practicing karate chops with Grandpa!
Such fun videos! Thanks for sharing.
I hate seeing pictures and videos of so many people I love gathered all together WITHOUT ME! I feel like I am missing out and am ready for someone to move back to Colorado. This is a broken record, isn't it?
Thank you so very much for posting all the pictures and videos. It made my morning. I have watched the videos several times. I wish everyone would post pics and videos for the old grandma that is so far away. Love you both so much.
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