I got to see some of my close friends from high school and it was so fun! Most of them I have not seen since high school and it was refreshing to be with these friends and have everything fall back into place like we were never separated! Isn't it just great when you have friends like that.

I also got to spend time with just two of my cute cute cousins!!! And we spent it at Chuck-e-Cheese...which ended up being more fun then I remembered. Or maybe I just had better company with me this time.

Amy was scared of him, but I don't blame her. He is a giant rat and really who likes rats when they aren't giant.?

The new member of our family, welcome Rebecca (spelling)

And the awesome gift GRANDMA got for Vanessa!!!!
love the pics. it is always fun to connect with old friends
Thank you so much for showing my kids a good time:) they're lucky to have you for a cousin!
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