Yes, I am back in school for spring and summer classes and so far it has not been too bad but as soon as I get that phone call about going floating down the river or playing sports outside in the beautiful sun and I have to say no then it will really hit me. I discovered something else too while in school you develop calluses to certain things, especially paper cuts. In just the two days that I have been in school I have received about several paper cuts on my hands!!! That has never happened before, maybe one every now and then but this is a lot. Every time I wash my hands I feel it a stinging! I do not have much to write at the moment since I have to get back to studying but here are some pics I took to express my feelings.
This is how I feel overall about being back in classes.....

I didn't read any of this post, but the pictures and captions made me smile.
You are very close to Uncle Allen's famous face trick. Ask Mom which one looks very close to his. Love your ability to just have fun and "no worries" about what anyone thinks, funny or not. Love and very funny.
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