-That cold chill that nips at your face as you walk to school and walk home from school.
-Haunted Houses are officially open (My brothers, Micah, Clint and I made it a point to go opening weekend).
-All that is on my mind is "What should I be for Halloween"?
-Pumpkin pie, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, pumpkin curry and pretty much anything with pumpkin in the title is starting to sound good.
-I am pulling my sleepers off the bench and back into the game.
-The colors are already starting to change at the top of the mountains.
-And I am starting to put on a couple of pounds to prepare me for the cold:)
I tend to complain about the cold at the beginning of the season but then I look at all the fun things that come along with it and I get pretty giddy and excited for a new season and new things to do and wear!
Here are some pictures from my weekend. Marian came out to visit which was so much fun! So we all went to my favorite Taco place in Provo....DIEGO'S!!!!
The boys and I proceeded to go to a Haunted Forest and Mansion. While there we met Captain Jack Sparrow and the Ghostbusters!!! Pretty epic night. I really enjoyed watching Parker get scared and take off his tough guy act for the night....I can't forget to mention Marshal scaring Jason (the guy with the chainsaw) and also making one of the actors (is that what you call haunted house employees) laugh out loud.....overall, a fulfilled and enjoyable weekend!
Last one for the list...You know fall is coming when there is a Football Game every Saturday!!!!! Even when you don't win, they are fun to be a part of and lose your voice screaming (whether from frustration of joy) and to be so close with all your closest friends that you can smell their BO (except for tarbear she doesn't even sweat).
spiced pumpkin frappacinos sound SOOOOOO good right now.
LOVE the posts girl. you're amazing.
Loved your article. Makes lots of old memories rise up out of the dust. I got to see the colors starting to do their magic on the mountains before I left. You live in a beautiful part of our country. Love you and miss you!
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