Olivia and My Mom both dancing when they were out on the board to "She Wolf"
Olivia "I hate going out with the Davis's!"
Nathan telling me there is a huge fish behind me which caused me to eat it right away in fear.
Parker jumping the wake:)
Marshal always ends with a bang as he flips off the board.
Dad taking on the wave at the age of 50!
Grandma cheering all of us on through our different attempts to out do one another on the board.
We cannot forget about Nathan's awesome outfit with his bandana and glasses that made him look like a thug. Unfortunately, the glasses were lost in the lake...lets have a moment of silence for them.....

I love the pictures and your commentary was so fun to read. I loved that day. Love you so much!
Kinsey, I have no idea how Spencer got on my blog account but the last comment and this comment are from me . . . Grandma Sarah
Ha...thanks Grandma and thanks for the explanation:) I was trying to figure out why Spencer was being so nice to me haha
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