I have been wanting to write a post about my Uncle for a couple of weeks now but I have been having a hard time. There have been so many thoughts and feelings racing through my head and I was not sure if I could even express how I feel. Well, to start off I just want to say that I love my Uncle Bob very very much! He always made me feel so much a part of his family....there was many a time that he, Dylan and Marian created plots to keep me in Texas somehow, my Mom would not allow it. But every time without fail he promised me free room and food and to help me find a job and a summer filled with awesome fun!! Which, I do believe he would have pulled through with, but my Mom did give birth to me, so she had final say:) I always found it interesting that every time I left Texas to go back home (wherever that is) I always felt like I was leaving a home. Bob, along with my other family in Texas, created a second home to me that will always be dear to my heart. The summers at the lake house, always having some kind of boat trouble, card tournaments, sleeping under the stars, feeding the deer, appreciating country music and dancing and loving the BBQ!!!!! Those are just a few things I learned to love and enjoyed over the time I have spent there. Most recently what Bob has taught me though that is more important above all those other memories is to live life to the fullest, appreciate your family and never let go of the gospel, your testimony or stop being a missionary no matter what!! Watching him live his life and embracing every moment, while he carried the burden of knowing he would one day leave his family behind and fearing for them, has given me something so special and incredible I do not know if there is any way I can truly thank him.
I am so grateful for our Heavenly Father's plan and for the knowledge, and faith, that my Uncle Bob is in Heaven being the missionary he has always been and seeing his lovely wife Lauren again. I know that death is not the end, it is just the beginning of something new and beautiful.
Dear Uncle Bob,
I just want you to know I love you and your family.
And thank you for always making me feel a part
of it and teaching me so many valuable lessons. Your
fun spirit and knowledge will be missed greatly in
this life but I know someday I will see you again and
you will greet me with one of your hugs....and I am
sure you will find some way to keep me around.
During your last couple of weeks here on earth I
was blessed to be able to come and visit you in
Texas one more time. I am not going to lie, that was
a very difficult trip for me. I did not like seeing you
so weak and lacking energy. Even though you
looked somewhat different and was exhausted
most of the day you still made a point to spend as
much time as you could with your family and me.
Thank you for doing that, and thank you during that
hard time for still laughing, smiling and even
throwing a joke out there. It reminded me that you
are still my Uncle Bob and nothing can change you.
You are so strong and brave! And not just for
yourself, but for your family. I really could keep
going on but I should probably stop now. I love you
and you are dearly missed here, please give Aunt
Lauren a big hug for me!!
Kinsey (your favorite niece)
Very sweet Kins.
I miss him too and believe it or not on a hot July day in Texas, Bob could almost convince me that I needed to live in Texas! He was passionate about the things and people he loved.
I'm glad you wrote this about him. You handled it all marvelously, despite it being so hard. And I love you.
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