Thursday, September 11, 2008


I have discovered that Romania does have a lot of really delicious food, unlike popular belief says, but what I think they are known for the most are their desserts. This Post is for all of you donut lovers out there...If you thought donuts in the U.S. are good then you are in for a big treat. If you ever happen to be in Romania, for whatever reason, or somewhere close enough for you to make a day trip there make sure you get a Gogosi and a Langosi. The name makes them seem very similar, and they kind of are, but they are both just incredible. It will have you mouth and tummy happy in just seconds! Of course there are pros and cons to this. Pro being they are amazing and everywhere I walk it is easy access to buy one (oh and did I mention they are like 70 cents) con I could probably gain 15 lbs. in one week if I ate one everyday (don’t worry I have not, I do have some self control) and when I come home donuts will just not be a novelty to me anymore and my easy access to the best snack will be gone. Oh well, I just must take advantage now before I have to leave:)


Rachey said...

Testing for mom who can't figure out how to leave comments.

Anonymous said...

Tell Michelle if Grandma can do it, you can do it! Love reading all about you Kinsey...thanks for sharing. I almost wish I had been born fifty years later so i could have had some of these amazing experiences...but then...maybe not! Love you, Grandma D.