It has been rainy and cloudy for almost three weeks now, so today when I woke up and saw the sun and part of the blue sky my heart jumped for joy and all day has just been beautiful! I am hoping it stays that way. Thanks to all of you who donated for the diapers fund, it was a great help and I think that we will have enough to last us the next 2 1/2 months!!! It is crazy how fast everything has gone by already, I feel like I just got here but it has already been 4 weeks! Every weekend out here has been so fun so far. I love traveling aorund our city and discovering new things about it and just having time to relax and stay caught up on homework. This last weekend we went to a store called Kaufland which is pretty much like a super Wal-Mart and it was awesome!! They have peanut butter!!! Everything there is so cheap that it is ridiculous so for the first time in 4 weeks my cupboard has food for two weeks then just for two days. That is a nice feeling. The kids I am working with are all great. I wish I had pictures of all of them but I don't because unlike the hospital I can't break the rules and sneak pictures in of the kids. Yesterday we took a harmonica, recorder and maracas and created a small band with the kids and it was so cute. They were so excited and not sure what to do at first. Claudia would blow into the harmonica until she heard a sound come out and then take it out of her mouth look at me and smile and wait for approval that she did a good job. It was so sweet, I was trying to help her figure out how to keep blowing and make music but it didn't work out, so maybe we will try that more next time. I am also going to other apartments in Dacia and all together work with 10 different kids and they are so adorable and fun. At first I was not sure how it was going to work out because some of the kids just did not want to play with me at all but after a while they warm up and smile and laugh and that really is the best part of this job. No matter how bad of condition a kid can be in, whether it be physically or cognitively, they all love it when you tickle them and hearing them giggle and seeing their face light up is more special then anything I have ever experienced. Well, I have so much more I could write about but I will just post some pictures instead.
This is was late on a Friday night and well really there is no way to justify this it was just freakin hilarious!

This is Alexandra, she is a girl in the hospital and so fun to play with.

Thank you Kaufland and for all of you who gave money for diapers, this is only half of how many I bought!

Wonderful Store!

These are the girls in the Scala apartment, so if I ever mention them by the name "Scala" in my future posts you know who it is!

The Boys! That is pretty much what we call them

The Buch apartment and also referred to as my apartment

Good morning from SUNNY San Diego. We actually had a few minutes of rain and a few claps of thunder the other day. (Just trying to make you jealous.) I think of you daily and of all the love and smiles you are bringing into those children's lives. Tell all the friends that are with you that this is one grandma that is so in awe of your willingness to give of yourselves and help these beautiful children learn about being loved. Stay safe, love Grandma Sarah
You are the buch apartment? But not a single one of you has abundant lip hair or a mullet...sorry, it needed to be said.
I remember the happy sunshine dance from my miserable days in Provo inversion. Sun glorious sun!
P.S. I know that isn't actually how butch is spelled, but it still got the wheels turning.
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