Tonight was a really fun night because we went out to celebrate Katie’s birthday and for the first time in a couple of weeks we got to go out and do something for us rather then working at the orphanage, hospital, going to church activities or school work and it was just what we needed. And get this we took a taxi downtown, got Chinese food, took a taxi back, and got gelato all for under $15!!! It was amazing!! And it was a great time for us to really bond as a group and just enjoy each others company. I really got lucky that I have so many amazing people in my group; everyone just brings something so unique and fun to our group dynamics and I am grateful for that. And we ended the night with games and lots of stories. Oh, and Katie taught me how to play California speed and totally kicked my trash like for 15 games but I finally got it down and won a few I am feeling a new game to introduce at our next family reunion and a possible tournament:)
how cool that you have BYU scrubs. and I love CA speed, Ry and I used to play it all the time. right now I can't remember how it is played though.
Sounds like a good night out. I am sure you all need one. I want to learn CA speed. How come Rachey never taught me how to play.
Grandma Sarah
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