We were going to hike to the Brasnov sign but because of time constraints, like not wanting to miss our train, we took the tram up and hiked down. But this is us at the top of the mountain!

Hiking back down, so purty!

Just contemplating life, or how hungry I was?! You pick.
Dear Kinsey,
It looks like you're having a great time. How wonderful!
I'm sorry I didn't call to say goodbye. I was busy with things here and didn't pay attention to the calendar.
Your grandma gave me your blog address. I don't want you to feel like I'm snooping on you, but it's fun to see what great things you're experiencing.
Love, Sister Knowlton
Haha I do not feel like you are snooping, I am glad that you want to see what I am up to.
And I am so sorry I did not call you guys either time just flew by and I was really busy helping my family move and stuff. You are always welcome to e-mail me too and keep in touch, I would love it!
i am waiting for you to call,so we could go on a date :)
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