Monday, July 20, 2009

I cant sleep

Don't you just hate those nights when you are so excited to go to bed early, you get all dressed in comfortable sweats, and a big sweatshirt, take out the contacts, cuddle up with your Teddy bear (hypothetical of course) and as you sink your head into that fluffy pillow and get so comfortable just to discover that you will be lying awake in bed for hours because your brain just wont shut up and let you get some beauty sleep.....and as you get so so close to that moment when your brain is starting so silence your phone rings, and VOILA! You are awake again and blogging about it because you do not know what else to do. So, for all of you who can't sleep and reading this I feel for you and good luck, and for those of you who are asleep while I write this, I dont like you very much right now.....ok thats a lie, I am just green with envy. Sweet Dreams!


Anonymous said...

that first sentence was the longest run on sentence of my life. wow. grandma would be proud. i'm impressed

KinseyBug said...

that is what happens when you cant sleep and your thoughts become run on sentences and keep going and going and going.....see there it goes again! I cant make it stop

Rachey said...

Oh Erin you English major you, I didn't even notice.

Sarah Haynie said...

Well, I imagined that you were writing all these thoughts that were running together because you could not sleep and that you were frustrated because you could not turn off your brain and that . . .

Sorry you cannot sleep. I hate that because I have the same problem. To bad we do not live closer then we could be awake together.

Love you and hope your next late night brings us another fun blog.


Natalie said...

YAY FOR GIRL'S NIGHT!!!! And late night BK runs. :) :)

Anonymous said...

Ok Kins,
we all know the teddy bear is real and that it has a name. Don't be ashamed!