From my recent post about Facebook (FB) you should all be up to date now with the knowledge that I got rid of my FB. Well, it has been a week now and many people (my family) did not think I would make it this far. No one had faith I would last more then a couple of days, they thought I would crumble like a dried up piece of bread and establish my account with FB again.Well, I have not and I plan on having many more weeks without it. Now my goal is to get all the rest of my friends and family to join me in this revolution!
There were many reasons I was afraid to get rid of my FB account: I love looking at friends pictures, what about all those friends that I keep in touch with through FB, I find out when my friends get engaged, married or drunk, and some status's can be very entertaining, oh and dont forget about the message parties I would have with my friends about random stuff that would go on for months....and my favorite sending videos to Craig (he is in Korea) of Nat and I singing. I really was having a hard time thinking about giving up this new way of communication and a new way of life, really.
But, to my surprise this last week has been so fabulous! Yes it sucks that I am not in "touch" via FB with friends but then my real friends take the time to call me or text me, and it is such a relief to not have 20 something notifications or messages to respond to throughout my day. When I am at work and studying I do not have any means of distraction (excluding blogging) anymore to procrastinate so I actually get my work done on time or ahead of time! It is this whole new way of life I have not experienced since high school and its great. And lets not forget the benefit of people making assumptions about my life from my profile...even if I did not post much I always had people from high school or my past that I don't care much for getting their nose all up in my business. My friends, get rid of your Facebook and Join me in living life with real communication amongst friends and family, the way it is suppose to be.
you are starting a revolution. you fierce, girl! haha
I personally love that you are not involved with FB for now and forever how long because I get to read more stuff on your blog. I truly love it. Keep up the good work. We all need to "hear" each others voices more. I would miss the pics that people post on facebooks.
Maybe we should just have an internet sight that is for everyone to post pictures? You started this revolution so figure something out for the pics and I will join you. LOL
If you join my revolution I'll make T-Shirts:)
I'm such a pushover. Sign me up for this and for natural at home birth! Woo hoo! What other trend can I join in on.
But if I cancelled facebook, where would I brag about my all natural at home birth and post minute by minute updates?
Nevermind, count me out on both.
If you think that was random, imagine how I feel...oh gosh, I'm not on drugs I swear. Just really hyper or something.
Hahaha..I love hyper Rachel, almost as much as Drunk Rachel...oops I just let that one out of the bag
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