I got my calling in church and I am so stoked!!! Or should I say two callings, yes two! I am going to be the Activities Coordinator and Primary teacher. Both of those callings I have had in the past and really enjoyed them so I am excited, except I will for sure need a translator for the primary teaching since I speak like ten phrases in Romanian and most of them are used for scolding kids who are naughty at the orphanage, haha. I went to fireside tonight which was just fun to meet more members of the branch and spend time with them and I got to meet the sister missionaries and I am going to go on splits with them sometime soon to get a taste for it. (Yes Mom your prayers are being answered, maybe I will go on a mission!)
As for the working part out here I am so exhausted after a long day that it is almost hard to just think. Just for an update I am not working in the actual orphanage anymore, I am working in the apartments; which are a part of the orphanage but they do not have as many kids and it is a program in hopes to help the children to turn out more emotionally and physically normal. It is really cool that they do this, they have 3 apartments and Rhett and I work at one in Dancu on MWF Mornings and the orphanage on TTH. Then in the afternoons we switch off from working at the hospital and working at the other apartments which are in Dacia. Anyways, I do not know if any of that really makes sense but pretty much I am just all over the place and have a lot to do. The kids I will mostly be working with, for now anyway are Ghiorcel, Claudia, Mihaela and Maria. In a week or so I will have more kids but for now 4 is just fine.
It was an interesting morning because as Rhett and I headed over to the apartments we were thinking that we were going to have it easier then everyone else since we had fewer kids to work with, less noise and it would be in a small apartment, but oh boy were we wrong. It was one of the hardest days of my life. We literally could not let our eyes off of them or ever sit down or else one would make a run for the door, another would be trying to climb out of the window sill while one was crying and breaking things. If I had not already decided to live the law of chastity I think that this morning would have done it. Anyway, then I went home for a quick bite to eat before heading over to the hospital and I had a great time there too, it is just always fun to hold babies and play games with the kids there. They are a lot nicer and easier to deal with then the kids in the orphanage.
To end the night Rhett and I made an authentic Romanian meal without even knowing it…don’t even ask. But yeah this is a way too long blog and I am sorry but if any of you made it through I hope you enjoyed it and thanks!
you are so lucky to be working with the kids in Dancu. it may seem intimidating and scary, but you can do it! let me know if you have any questions, i worked there this summer and know how difficult it can be.
cu mult drag!
I wish I had had a blog when Sooz and I were in Europe - then Aunt Lori and Grandma wouldn't have stressed out so much when we called them crying from a train station and never called them back to let them know we were okay. This is so cool Kinsey! You are awesome. If I was an orphan, I would want you to take care of me.
Thanks Whitney I really could use all the help I can get! I have always been able to handle kids before like so easy but with these I most definitely have more then a handful!
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