It may not look like much but these meal for less the $4 can fill you up for at least 3 hours and it is filled with deliciousness!! (Chicken or beef, fries, ketchup, mayo, lettuce, cucumbers on warm pita bread! and some other stuff that I am not sure what it is)
So I
An awesome
Oh so fun
Madre whom I
Adore and love!
I love you Mom and Dad and thank you both for all that you have done and continue to do for me!!!
That looks like a awesome, fun, wonderful, righteous sandwich to me so I will proudly accept the dedication of this blog to my amazing taste buds. You are a awesome, fun, wonderful, and righteous daughter just in case you were wondering! Love you, Mom
Please clarify what you mean by you inheriting your sweet tooth from me but Mom's "good taste in desserts." Is there really any such thing as a "bad" dessert? I've never met such an animal. Glad to know you are continuing to eat your way across the Continent. Remember: Disinfect all fresh fruit and leafy vegetables. Oh, wait a minute. Too late for that. Now that you've lost your wallet, just bring us back some parasites for souvenirs. Love you, Brown Eyes. Pops
DAD!! I am so glad to see you and mom are both posting on blogs now!! if you can do that you can do post pictures on your blog of the yard:)
And don't worry I have this great family who wants to give me money so I can still bring you guys back really awesome souvenirs!!
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